Today is World Sleep Day! The World Sleep Society started this celebratory day 11 years ago to bring awareness to the importance of healthy and regenerating sleep. The founding team, consisting of health institutions, doctors and organisations worldwide, established the sleep awareness day with the mission to improve mental and physical health at one of the root causes.
It’s no rocket science that a lack of sleep affects our overall well-being, weakens our ability to concentrate during the day and, in worst case, can lead to a various assortment of illnesses. But why don’t we change anything if we have this knowledge? It’s comparable to a smoker not stopping despite of the horrific images plastered everywhere. It’s easy enough to turn off the TV half an hour earlier or to stop checking emails late at night. Instead preparing for bedtime with a nice cup of tea and a calming night time routine is a easy first step to a healthier lifestyle. But we complain about being tired and irritated, so what next?
This is where the World Sleep Day comes into place. It’s a day to celebrate and bring awareness by spreading the word. Over the past decade we have seen people plan amazing awareness events while others dedicated their time to run very successful campaigns on the topic. But it doesn’t have to be that complicated. It can simply be a nice text to your loved ones, getting together with friends to have a sleepover or engaging in discussion over social media.
There really are no limits. Speaking to teachers at schools can also go a long way, as they can integrate a fun activity to teach the young generation techniques and playful ways to make bedtime more enjoyable because as we all know: the sooner we start a healthy routine, the easier it is to stick to it long term.
As a company that made it its mission to spread healthy sleep, we are thrilled to be part of the celebration because we know that a mattress can be a great foundation but will never be miracle worker on its own – so awareness is crucial.
If you want to participate, are already are planning an event or just want to share your thoughts use the hashtag #WorldSleepDay and tag us! Sweet dreams!