8 Simple, All-Natural Ways To Alleviate Back Pain

If you suffer from recurring back pain, then you’re not alone. Research has found that back pain affects a staggering one third of the population, with the NHS stating that 8 in 10 people suffer from back pain at one point in their lives. You may have been resigned to thinking that all you can really do about it is pop ever stronger pain killers or opt for risky, side effect heavy surgery. But, that’s not the case. There are a number of side effect free, natural things you can do that can go a tremendous way in alleviating and potentially even completely eliminating your back pain. Read on to find out what these are…
1. Consume natural anti-inflammatory foods and drinks.
Multiple studies have found that anti-inflammatory foods and drinks in large enough doses are as effective as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in treating back pain. Potent anti-inflammatory foods that can work wonders for back pain include ginger, garlic, turmeric and salmon.

2. Keep active.
It might sound counter-intuitive but keeping active and not lying in bed is actually one of the most effective ways of reducing and potentially even eliminating back pain. Light to moderate exercise is encouraged. So, no marathons and weight lifting.

3. Get a massage.
Massage therapy has proven effective for countless people that suffer from acute or chronic back pain. It’s recommended you enlist the services of a professional masseuse that specialises in back massages as a bad massage from someone inexperienced can actually do more harm than good.

4. Explore exercise therapy
If your back pain has persisted for more than 12 weeks then we highly recommend you looking into exercise therapy. A well thought out and structured plan that works on gently improving function without causing further issues is one of the surest ways of getting your back, back to normal.

5. Experiment with natural supplements.
There are a handful of natural herbs that have been proven to help with all types of back pain. These include Devils Claw and Willow Bark. Don’t be put off by their slightly ominous sounding names, as these herbs have been found time and time again to dramatically reduce back pain.

6. Embrace yoga.
Studies have found that a good yoga routine can be as effective as physical therapy exercises in reducing back pain. If you’ve never done yoga before we highly recommend enlisting the help of a professional yoga instructor that has some experience with yoga poses known for helping back pain.

7. Perfect your posture.
Most of us don’t realise it but we often have terrible posture, especially when we’re using the computer or working at a desk. Poor posture can really work against back healing. So, being mindful of your posture and taking special effort to get into a habit of maintaining good posture can go a long way in helping your back heal and improve the effectiveness of the other things you are doing to help your back.

8. Get enough high-quality sleep.
Getting adequate, high-quality sleep is absolutely essential in healing any sort of back pain and we’d argue it’s one of the most important things you can do to get your back, back to normal.
Research has found that when you have a restful night’s sleep your back feels less tense and sore the next day. And it’s a well-established fact that a large proportion of the bodies healing takes place when we’re getting shut eye.
Unfortunately, back pain can prevent you from sleeping which prevents you from obtaining the beneficial back healing benefits of sound sleep, and it becomes a vicious cycle.
One of the very best ways of helping you get a good night’s rest even if you’re suffering from back pain is to invest in a high-quality mattress such as the Una Organic mattress.
It’s a 7-zone mattress which means every inch of your back is properly supported allowing you to feel super comfortable and drift off to blissful sleep so your back can finally really rest and heal.

Check out the mattress that’s helped hundreds improve their back pain!
NOTE: This article does not constitute official medical advice. If you are suffering from acute or ongoing back pain you should seek the guidance of a trained, certified medical professional.